A few months before I went rogue on the fitness industry and changed my 'career' in 2020, my partner Reza underwent a big change as well. Unlike me, he was not "laid off" but plain and simply fired from Chittleborough & Morgan on Savile Row after 5 years of working there.
Fuelled by all the shortcomings in the industry and his dedication to making improvements, it was the perfect moment for him to continue on his own. It was time to make his vision come true with Akeila. And this was the beginning of our first company: Akeila Bespoke Tailors.

In the initial phase of setting up Akeila in late 2019, I helped out here and there. I still had my dissatisfying full-time job and search for a 'career' going on the side. Behold, the knight on the white horse entered.
In the midst of all the chaos, Reza went on his knee, took out the diamond-covered pen, and asked: "Do you want to sign this contract with me?" I gasped with shock. Tears started running down my cheeks, and while fainting onto his lap, I signed the contract. And we lived happily ever after...
Ha, if it were only this simple!
Now, what actually happened without going into the details: with conviction, he proposed to build Akeila together and laid out a beautiful path he saw us taking if we did so. Our short, pleasant moments of working together sparked some hope in me. And without much-needed convincing, I accepted the challenge.
I accepted it without fully knowing what it meant...