I am not here to preach, teach, or tell you what to do and what not to do.
At least, not for the moment. The first step is to tell you my story.
Of course, I can't summarise it in 15 minutes within a few paragraphs. I would either be extremely efficient at summarising or have had such a sad life that there's nothing to talk about. I'm not there yet with the first point, and luckily, the second one is certainly not the case either.
My journey of working together with my partner started in 2020 in Battersea, London. YES, the year of the Coronavirus, or to make it sound more serious, COVID-19. If you are reading this in 10 years' time, you might have already wiped those weird years from your memory. Not to worry, I will quickly remind you of how it went.
I wasn't very happy with my job as a sports assistant in a sports centre. After having worked there for a few months, I felt purposeless, lost, and quite frankly, useless. A feeling that many of you are familiar with at work and yet know it to be wrong. What to do?
I decided to pivot and do something I had no experience in nor knew a lot about: becoming a recruitment consultant. Why? Because my sister was one, seemed to enjoy it, and was making loads of money with perks flying from all sides. So naturally, I thought: I can try that as well! I want to improve my communication skills anyway, so why not do it while recruiting people?
Little did I know that I would be recruited by my partner in a few weeks...
After a few weeks' search, I was successful in finding a recruitment job. Hooray for me! To my own surprise, I even negotiated a higher salary and signed the contract while the rest of the world was being "laid off." I was so excited to start my new journey in this unfamiliar world. What could go wrong now, right?
Yes, you guessed it correctly: I was not immune to the consequences of Covid-19. I was kicked out before even setting foot in the building. To be honest, I was asking for it. Who on earth decides to not only change their job but also their career while Covid is spreading like a virus? Yes, yours truly, aka Mowgli in the making. And that was the start and end of my career in recruitment: my short-lived COVID-19 career in recruitment.
But hold your horses! My knight in shining armour arrived on his white one and dropped a bomb that was going to change my life forever.